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Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed , rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy


In the spirit of filtering life through the Word of God, KPM will engage community

through studying the scriptures.


It is important for us as Children of God to know the

word, understand our identity and the promises and principles that are within. Dynamic

studies will include what some consider traditional lessons, but also out of the box ideas

such as including the theater and dramatizations, discussions, life application, Q & A’s

and panels.


Content is limitless as the Word covers every issue known to man. It is the

heart of the Team at Kingdom Perspectives that every Believer will engage in all

aspects of encountering God – especially through reading and studying His Word.

The Mission



In 2023, I had the opportunity to go to Kenya for a mission trip. Having the opportunity to visit other countries and see their infrastructure, resources, communities, and the people is a life-changing opportunity. As I prepared to travel, the Lord began to give me specific directives of prayers, what to bring and preparing my mind for what was about to take place. This trip was a fully immersive experience of the culture. I traveled with Evangelist Raquel Torres of Love and Hope Ministries. While there, I was able to shop at the local stores, ride on overcrowded transportation and by motorbike with three people, eat some amazing food (The cuisine is very vegan friendly) and make some new friends.

The most important thing I was able to do was bring the Good News, pray and be the light. Many developing countries do not have the baseline things that we in the US do, but one thing the people do have that I encountered in Kenya was faith! I gained much more than I delivered, brought, or served while there. I learned much about myself, patience, endurance and having an open mind and that the people were open and ready to hear a word from the Lord. I can identify with 2 Timothy 4:1-2 where Paul charged Timothy with instructions to be ready in and out of season. This was brought front and center into my life as I navigated and engaged with the people. I experienced God in new ways and grew deeper in fellowship and faith in him.

This life-changing trip allowed me to experience many things and learn life lessons. There was a serious attack on my thoughts, and I had to pray and take every illegal, fleeting thought captive in Jesus Name. Although I didn’t have a schedule of events, I knew that I had to have a clear mind to hear directives from the Lord on how to move, what to say, pray and preach instantly.

I fell in love with the Mission to the Fatherless, spending several days at the Oyugis location. The staff, children, and young adults there made an impression on my heart. I was there to serve with them, and they showed me the most kindness and humility that I have ever experienced with a group of people in my life. I was the one who experienced healing. I experienced God’s grace and I saw myself having the ability to be a part of something largely impactful, in ways that I may not have pursued had I not experienced it firsthand. Kenya has left an imprint on my life. I can’t wait to go back – according to the Lord’s timing and will!

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